2019/8/14 米の対中関税第4弾、スマホなど12月15日に先送り
For many years China (and many other countries) has been taking advantage of the United States on Trade, Intellectual Property Theft, and much more.
Our Country has been losing HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS a year to China, with no end in sightAdditionally, the remaining 300 BILLION DOLLARS of goods and products from China, that was being taxed from September 1st at 10%, will now be taxed at 15%. Thank you for your attention to this matter!
現状 | 今回発表 | ||
① 340億ドル | 2018/7/6 25% | 2019/10/1 30% | |
② 160億ドル | 2018/8/23 25% | ||
③ 2000億ドル 計 2500億ドル |
2018/9/24 10% ↓ 2019/5/10 25% |
④ 3000億ドル | 除外 300億ドル |
ー | |
一般 1100億ドル | 2019/9/1 10% | 15% | |
消費財 1600億ドル | 2019/12/15 10% |
Our Country has lost, stupidly, Trillions of Dollars with China over many years.
They have stolen our Intellectual Property at a rate of Hundreds of Billions of Dollars a year, & they want to continue.
I won't let that happen!We don't need China and, frankly, would be far better off without them.
The vast amounts of money made and stolen by China from the United States, year after year, for decades, will and must STOP.
Our great American companies are hereby ordered to immediately start looking for an alternative to China, including bringing your companies HOME and making your products in the USA.
I will be responding to China's Tariffs this afternoon. This is a GREAT opportunity for the United States.
米国で乱用が問題となっているオピオイド鎮痛薬「Fentanyl 」についても、中国からの流入を阻止するため、宅配大手Fed ExやUPS、ネット通販大手Amazon、米郵政公社に対し配達を拒否するよう指示した。
Also, I am ordering all carriers, including Fed Ex, Amazon, UPS and the Post Office, to SEARCH FOR & REFUSE, all deliveries of Fentanyl from China (or anywhere else!).
Fentanyl kills 100,000 Americans a year. President Xi said this would stop - it didn't.
Our Economy, because of our gains in the last 2 1/2 years, is MUCH larger than that of China. We will keep it that way!