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Digital Services Tax巡り、英国など10カ国・地域を調査すると発表した。不公正だと認定すれば制裁関税を含む対抗措置を検討する。

フランス上院は2019年7月11日、Digital Services Tax法案を可決し、Macron 大統領は7月24日にこれに署名、これが法律となった。

フランスのマクロン大統領は2019年8月26日、フランスの「デジタル課税」を巡り、米国と合意を得たことを明らかにした。 フランスのデジタル課税と経済協力開発機構(OECD)がまとめている課税制度に基づく税収の差額を仏政府が企業に払い戻す方針で暫定合意に達した。

2019/7/31 フランスのデジタル課税法案成立、米国は報復を示唆

2020/1/29 デジタル課税を巡る問題


対象は下記の通りで、Federal Register に記載されている。(〇:実施、:検討)

Austria 2020/1/1、オンライン広告サービスに5%のDigital Services Tax
Brazil Digital Services Taxを検討
Czech Republic 7%のDigital Services Taxを検討
EU 2018年の提案に沿う案を検討
India 2020/4/1、2%のDigital Services Tax
Indonesia 本年初め、electronic transaction tax 手続き後、実施。
Italy 2020/1/1、3%のDigital Services Tax
Spain 3%のDigital Services Taxを検討
Turkey 2020/3/1、7.5%のDigital Services Tax(15%まで引き上げ可能)
UK 2%のDigital Services Taxを検討


Austria: In October 2019, Austria adopted a DST that applies a 5% tax to revenues from online advertising services. The law went into force on January 1, 2020. The tax applies only to companies with at least €750 million in annual global revenues for all services and €25 million in in-country revenues for covered digital services.

EU:   2019/3/12  EU、デジタル課税合意見送り

India: In March 2020, India adopted a 2% DST. The tax only applies only to non-resident companies, and covers online sales of goods and services to, in India. The tax applies only to companies with annual revenues in excess of approximately Rs. 20 million (approximately US$ $267,000). The tax went into effect on April 1, 2020.

Indonesia: Earlier this year, Indonesia adopted an electronic transaction tax that targets cross-border, digital transactions. Further implementing measures are required for the new tax to go into effect.

Italy: Italy has adopted a DST. The measure includes a 3% tax on revenues from targeted advertising and digital interface services. This tax applies only to companies generating at least €750 million in global revenues for all services and €5.5 million in in-country revenues for covered digital services. The tax applies as of January 1, 2020.

2019/12/30 イタリア、デジタル課税を導入、フランスに追随

Turkey: Turkey has adopted a DST. The measure applies a 7.5% tax to revenues from targeted advertising, social media and digital interface services. The tax applies only to companies generating €750 million in global revenues from covered digital services and TL20 million in in-country revenues from covered digital services. The Turkish President has authority to increase the tax rate up to 15%. The law went into effect on March 1, 2020.





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