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米国務省は4月20日、約200カ国・地域を対象にした2017年の人権報告書 (2017 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices)を公表した。

日本分(JAPAN 2017 HUMAN RIGHTS REPORT)では、 ひどい人権問題の報告はないとするが、セクハラと森友・加計問題に付言している。

Worker Rights では、女性の雇用での差別について、以下の通り述べている。



Section 7. Worker Rights
d. Discrimination with Respect to Employment and Occupation

Women continued to express concern about unequal treatment in the workforce.
Women's average monthly wage was approximately 73 percent of that of men in 2016.

Sexual harassment in the workplace remained widespread. In the first survey of its kind, in 2016 the ministry reported that 30 percent of women in full- and part-time employment reported being sexually harassed at work. Among full-time workers, the figure was 35 percent.



Section 4. Corruption and Lack of Transparency in Government

While the media reported allegations that Prime Minister Abe might have attempted to influence government decisions in favor of two educational institutions, Moritomo Gakuen and Kake Gakuen, run by his or his wife's friends, the prime minister categorically denied involvement in the government's decisions.


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