気候変動に関する政府間パネル(lPCC) は科学、影響、対策の3つの作業部会に分かれ、最新の分析をまとめる国連機関。130カ国以上から約4000人の専門家が参画し、発表済みの成果を評価して確度の高い情報を提供する。温暖化をめぐる各国の政策に影響を及ぼしている。最初の報告書は90年で、今回が4回目。
(ブログ http://kaznak.web.infoseek.co.jp/blog/2007-02-1.htm#ipcc)
(ブログ http://kaznak.web.infoseek.co.jp/blog/2007-04-1.htm#ipcc-2)
安定レベル (ppm) |
CO2排出 ピーク年 |
50年の世界排出量 (00年比、%) |
温度上昇 90年比 |
CO2 1トン削減費用 30年時点 |
対GDPコスト(%) 30年まで |
対GDPコスト(%) 50年まで |
445~490 |
2000~15 |
-85 ~ -50 |
1.4~1.8 |
(3未満) |
(5.5未満) |
490~535 |
2000~20 |
-60 ~ -30 |
1.8~2.2 |
(3未満) |
(5.5未満) |
535~590 |
2000~30 |
-35 ~ + 5 |
2.2~2.6 |
(550ppm) 20~80ドル |
0.6(0.2~2.5) |
1.3(~4) |
590~710 |
2000~60 |
+10 ~ +60 |
2.6~3.4 |
(650ppm) 0~30ドル |
0.2(0.6~1.2) |
0.5(-1~2) |
710~855 |
2000~80 |
+25 ~ +85 |
3.4~4.3 |
(750ppm) 0~20ドル |
855~1130 |
2000~90 |
+90 ~ +140 |
4.3~5.5 |
温室効果ガスの安定レベルは濃度でC02換算 対GDPコストは中央値、カッコ内は範囲。気候変化被害のコストは織リ込んでいない。 1トン削減の費用は、それぞれ550ppm、650ppm、750ppmの場合。空欄は明確な試算がない。 |
コメントの中には次のものがある。 |
・ |
2030年に温室効果ガス(CO2換算)を445~710ppmで安定させるための費用は、世界のGDPの3%低下から若干増の間(between a 3% decrease of global GDP and a small increase)と推定。但し、地域により大きな差がある。 |
・ |
どの部門でもライフスタイルや行動パターンの変更が役に立つ。 |
・ |
温室効果ガス削減による公害減少の健康への副次効果が大きく、削減コストのかなりの部分と相殺される可能性がある。 |
2030年までの温室効果ガス削減対策 |
部門 |
現在商業的に可能な削減技術 |
2030年までに商業化が可能な削減技術 |
Energy Supply |
天然ガスヘの燃料転換・原子力発電、風力や太陽光やバイオマスなど再生可能エネルギー Improved supply and distribution efficiency; fuel switching from coal to gas; nuclear power; renewable heat and power (hydropower, solar, wind, geothermal and bioenergy); combined heat and power; early applications of CCS (e.g. storage of removed CO2 from natural gas) |
石炭を燃料とし、発電所でC02を回収・地中貯留する技術(CCS)、先進的な原子力技術・再生可能エネルギー Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) for gas, biomass and coal-fired electricity generating facilities; advanced nuclear power; advanced renewable energy, including tidal and waves energy, concentrating solar, and solar PV. |
Transport |
燃費向上、ハイブリッド車、バイオ燃料、クリーンなディーゼルエンジン、自転車 More fuel efficient vehicles; hybrid vehicles; cleaner diesel vehicles; biofuels; modal shifts from road transport to rail and public transport systems; non-motorised transport (cycling, walking); land-use and transport planning |
水素燃料電池車、次世代バイオ燃料、省エネ航空機 Second generation biofuels; higher efficiency aircraft; advanced electric and hybrid vehicles with more powerful and reliable batteries |
Buildings |
省エネ照明、断熱材や換気装置の改善、家電などからのフロン回収と再利用 Efficient lighting and daylighting; more efficient electrical appliances and heating and cooling devices; improved cook stoves, improved insulation ; passive and active solar design for heating and cooling; alternative refrigeration fluids, recovery and recycle of fluorinated gases |
統合型の太陽光発電、電力制御、高性能の計測器Integrated design of commercial buildings including technologies, such as intelligent meters that provide feedback and control; solar PV integrated in buildings |
Industry |
省エネ電気器具、廃熟・未利用電力の回収、原材料の再利用と代替品活用 More efficient end-use electrical equipment; heat and power recovery; material recycling and substitution; control of non-CO2 gas emissions; and a wide array of process-specific technologies |
先進的な省エネ、セメント工業や鉄鋼におけるCCS利用 Advanced energy efficiency; CCS for cement, ammonia, and iron manufacture; inert electrodes for aluminium manufacture |
Agriculture |
耕作地や放牧地の管理方法改善、土壌修復、畜産方法や米作技術の改善によるメタン排出量の削減。省エネ Improved crop and grazing land management to increase soil carbon storage; restoration of cultivated peaty soils and degraded lands; improved rice cultivation techniques and livestock and manure management to reduce CH4 emissions; improved nitrogen fertilizer application techniques to reduce N2O emissions; dedicated energy crops to replace fossil fuel use; improved energy efficiency |
収量改善 Improvements of crops yields |
Forestry/forests |
新規植林、再植林。森林管理方法の改善。森林破壌の抑制。伐採後の木材製品の管理 Afforestation; reforestation; forest management; reduced deforestation; harvested wood product management; use of forestry products for bioenergy to replace fossil fuel use |
バイオマス生産量を増やすための品種改良 Tree species improvement to increase biomass productivity and carbon sequestration. Improved remote sensing technologies for analysis of vegetation/ soil carbon sequestration potential and mapping land use change |
Waste |
埋め立て地でメタンガス回収。焼却時のエネルギー回収。廃棄物再利用、最小化 Landfill methane recovery; waste incineration with energy recovery; composting of organic waste; controlled waste water treatment; recycling and waste minimization |
メタンを最適に酸化させるバイオ技術 Biocovers and biofilters to optimize CH4 oxidation |
Energy Supply |
24~47億トン/年 |
Transport |
16~25 |
Buildings |
53~67 |
Industry |
25~55 |
Agriculture |
23~64 |
Forestry/forests |
13~42 |
Waste |
4~10 |
部門 |
削減政策 |
問題点 |
Energy supply |
Reduction of fossil fuel subsidies |
Resistance by vested interests may make them difficult to implement |
Taxes or carbon charges on fossil fuels |
Feed-in tariffs for renewable energy technologies |
May be appropriate to create markets for low emissions technologies |
Renewable energy obligations |
Producer subsidies |
Transport |
Mandatory fuel economy, biofuel blending and CO2 standards for road transport |
Partial coverage of vehicle fleet may limit effectiveness |
Taxes on vehicle purchase, registration, use and motor fuels, road and parking pricing |
Effectiveness may drop with higher incomes |
Influence mobility needs through land use regulations, and infrastructure planning |
Particularly appropriate for countries that are building up their transportation systems |
Investment in attractive public transport facilities and non-motorised forms of transport |
Buildings |
Appliance standards and labelling |
Periodic revision of standards needed |
Building codes and certification |
Attractive for new buildings. Enforcement can be difficult |
Demand-side management programmes |
Need for regulations so that utilities may profit |
Public sector leadership programmes, including procurement |
Government purchasing can expand demand for energy-efficient products |
Incentives for energy service companies (ESCOs) |
Success factor: Access to third party financing |
Industry |
Provision of benchmark information |
May be appropriate to stimulate technology uptake. Stability of national policy important in view of international competitiveness |
Performance standards |
Subsidies, tax credits |
Tradable permits |
Predictable allocation mechanisms and stable price signals important for investments |
Voluntary agreements |
Success factors include: clear targets, a baseline scenario, third party involvement in design and review and formal provisions of monitoring, close cooperation between government and industry. |
Agriculture |
Financial incentives and regulations for improved land management, maintaining soil carbon content, efficient use of fertilizers and irrigation |
May encourage synergy with sustainable development and with reducing vulnerability to climate change, thereby overcoming barriers to implementation |
Forestry/Forests |
Financial incentives (national and international) to increase forest area, to reduce deforestation, and to maintain and manage forests |
Constraints include lack of investment capital and land tenure issues. Can help poverty alleviation. |
Land use regulation and enforcement |
Waste management |
Financial incentives for improved waste and wastewater management |
May stimulate technology diffusion |
Renewable energy incentives or obligations |
Local availability of low-cost fuel |
Waste management regulations |
Most effectively applied at national level with enforcement strategies |
付記 安井先生の「市民のための環境学ガイド」に解説が出た。
2007/5/19「IPCC第4次報告書 第3WG」
* バックナンバー、総合目次は http://kaznak.web.infoseek.co.jp/blog/zenpan-1.htm