韓国Hanwha Chemical、塩素化塩ビ樹脂に参入

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Hanwha Chemical は3月22日、塩素化塩ビの開発に成功、蔚山石油化学産業団地に年産3万トン規模の生産ラインの建設に入ったと発表した。


塩素化塩ビの世界の需要は昨年25万トンに達し、年10%で伸びている。生産しているのは、米国のLubizol や日本のカネカ、積水化学などに限られており、韓国は昨年9千トンを輸入した。




Hanwha Chemical announced on March 22 that it succeeded in developing high value-added chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC), which has the improved heat and corrosion resistance, with its domestic technology. Since CPVC has a high technology entry barrier, it has been entirely imported until now. Accordingly, Hanwha Chemical has become the first company in the nation that succeeds in domestically producing CPVC. The company recently completed the detailed design and started construction of the production lines with annual capacity of 30,000 tons at the second plant located in Ulsan Petrochemical Industrial Complex, and it will complete the construction by the end of this year.

CPVC has 10 percent more chlorine than existing polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and is very resistant to heat, pressure and corrosion. It is used in producing pipes for fire sprinkler systems, hot water and special pipes for industrial use.

The CPVC market reached 250,000 tons as of last year and is growing 10 percent every year. Only a few companies, such as Lubrizol in the U.S. and Sekisui and Kaneka in Japan, currently produce CPVC and about 9,000 tons of CPVC was imported to Korea last year. The profitability of PVC, which is for general purpose, is worsening as China, the largest market in the world, has raised the self-sufficiency rates, the global economy is showing a downturn and low-priced products have appeared in the market. In a bid to secure the competitiveness in the global market, a strategy to increase the added value of universal products is needed.

Starting with CPVC, Hanwha Chemical is now developing technologies to improve functions and added value of various universal products, including polyethylene (PE) and plasticizer. In addition, the company is planning to lower the dependence on ethylene and diversify its business portfolio by developing products made of variou

- See more at: http://businesskorea.co.kr/english/news/industry/14175-import-replacement-hanwha-chemical-succeeds-localizing-cpvc#sthash.A3IjZHry.dpuf


1) Lubizol


ケンタッキー州LouisvilleとベルギーのOevel にプラントを持つが、能力は明らかにしていない。
2011年にLouisville を拡張している。

2013年3月にPhase-1で 85千トン、Phase-2で85千トンの増設 計画を発表した。


既存 PhaseⅠ Phase II (検討中)
Louisville, Ky 能力非公開
Oevel, Belgy 能力非公開
Deer Park, TX Resin 55 千トン
Compound 65千トン
 2014年末 稼動
Resin 55 千トン
Compound 65千トン
Dahej, India Compound 55千トン
Compound 35千トン
Rayong, Thailand
Resin 30千トン
Resin 30千トン

Map Ta Phut Specialty Chemicals
 出資:積水化学 51%、Lubrizol 49%


2) カネカ

カネカは、日本に26千トン、米国子会社Kaneka North Americaで30千トンの能力を持っていたが、2013年7月に米国で20千トンの増強を行い、合計の能力を76千トンとした。

2011年12月にインドにTrience Speciality Chemicals (カネカ 41%、三井物産 20%、Meghmani Organic 39%)を設立し、グジャラート州での年産20千トンの生産計画を進めたが、最終的に合意に達せず、中止となった。

3) 積水化学


上記の通り、タイにLubrizol とのJVを持ち、年15千トンの引取権を持つ。


月別 アーカイブ