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メイ英首相は2月7日、EU離脱問題の打開策の協議のため、Jean-Claude Juncker EU委員長と会談するが、EUのDonald Tusk大統領(首脳会議常任議長)は前日の2月6日、アイルランドのLeo Varadkar首相と離脱問題などを協議した後の共同記者会見で、英国のEU離脱を安易に推進した人々には「地獄」が用意されていると痛烈に批判した。



There are 50 days left until the UK's exit from the European Union, following the decision and the will of the UK authorities. I know that still a very great number of people in the UK, and on the continent, as well as in Ireland, wish for a reversal of this decision. I have always been with you, with all my heart. But the facts are unmistakable. At the moment, the pro-Brexit stance of the UK Prime Minister, and the Leader of the Opposition, rules out this question. Today, there is no political force and no effective leadership for remain. I say this without satisfaction, but you can't argue with the facts.


Today our most important task is to prevent a no deal scenario. I would, once again, like to stress that the position of the EU27 is clear, as expressed in the documents agreed with the UK government - that is the Withdrawal Agreement and the Political Declaration - and the EU27 is not making any new offer. Let me recall that the December European Council decided that the Withdrawal Agreement is not open for re-negotiation. I hope that tomorrow we will hear from Prime Minister May a realistic suggestion on how to end the impasse, in which the process of the orderly withdrawal of the UK from the EU has found itself, following the latest votes in the House of Commons.

我々にとって最も重要なことは、アイルランド島の国境問題と、1998年4月10日のベルファスト合意(Good Friday Agreement)による平和プロセスの保証だ。我々は平和に関してギャンブルはしない。

The top priority for us, remains the issue of the border on the island of Ireland, and the guarantee to maintain the peace process in accordance with the Good Friday Agreement. There is no room for speculation here. The EU itself is first and foremost a peace project. We will not gamble with peace; or put a sell-by date on reconciliation. And this is why we insist on the backstop. Give us a believable guarantee for peace in Northern Ireland, and the UK will leave the EU as a trusted friend. I hope that the UK government will present ideas that will both respect this point of view and, at the same time, command a stable and clear majority in the House of Commons. I strongly believe that a common solution is possible, and I will do everything in my power to find it.


A sense of responsibility also tells us to prepare for a possible fiasco. The Taoiseach(アイルランド語でアイルランド首相)and I have spoken about the necessary actions in case of no deal; I know that you will also be discussing this shortly with the European Commission.


By the way, I've been wondering what that special place in hell looks like, for those who promoted Brexit, without even a sketch of a plan how to carry it out safely. Thank you.


付記 2月7日のメイ首相とユンケル委員長との会談で、ユンケル委員長は再交渉を拒否した。協議を続けるとしたが、具体的な道筋は示せなかった。2月末までに再会談する。


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