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英最高裁はジョンソン首相の議会閉鎖問題について、3日間のヒアリングを終え、9月25日 判決を下した。ジョンソン首相による5週間の議会閉鎖は違法とした。

 最高裁長官の説明 https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-49810680



2019/8/30 英ジョンソン政権、異例の議会封じ 




これらに対し、スコットランドの高等裁判所(Court of Session)は9月11日、議会を長期間にわたり閉鎖したジョンソン首相の措置を違法とする判断を示した。提訴した野党議員らの「非民主的だ」という主張を大筋で認めた。





2019/9/12  英議会閉鎖は違法、スコットランド裁判所 





 本件は裁判の対象か? Yes

The first question is whether the lawfulness of the Prime Minister's advice to Her Majesty is justiciable. This Court holds that it is.

It is necessary to distinguish between two different questions.
The first is whether a prerogative power exists and if so its extent.
The second is whether the exercise of that power, within its limits, is open to legal challenge.

This second question may depend upon what the power is all about: some powers are not amenable to judicial review while others are.
However, there is no doubt that the courts have jurisdiction to decide upon the existence and limits of a prerogative power. This Court has concluded that this case is about the limits of the power to advise Her Majesty to prorogue Parliament.

 政府の権限の限界は? 議会閉会は、「議会の主権」と「議会への説明責任」で制限される。

The second question, therefore, is what are the limits to that power? Two fundamental principles of our Constitution are relevant to deciding that question.

The first is Parliamentary sovereignty - that Parliament can make laws which everyone must obey: this would be undermined if the executive could, through the use of the prerogative, prevent Parliament from exercising its power to make laws for as long as it pleased.

The second fundamental principle is Parliamentary accountability: in the words of Lord Bingham, senior Law Lord, "the conduct of government by a Prime Minister and Cabinet collectively responsible and accountable to Parliament lies at the heart of Westminster democracy". The power to prorogue is limited by the constitutional principles with which it would otherwise conflict.


For present purposes, the relevant limit on the power to prorogue is this: that a decision to prorogue (or advise the monarch to prorogue) will be unlawful if the prorogation has the effect of frustrating or preventing, without reasonable justification, the ability of Parliament to carry out its constitutional functions as a legislature and as the body responsible for the supervision of the executive. In judging any justification which might be put forward, the court must of course be sensitive to the responsibilities and experience of the Prime Minister and proceed with appropriate caution.

Brenda Hale最高裁長官は、「女王に閉会を求めたのは違法と言わざるを得ず、議会は出来るだけ早く再開すべきだ」と述べた。




労働党のJeremy Corbyn党首は首相の即時辞任を求めた。



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